typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject Application Matrix Control Responder @:@iiii MenuCell ButtonCell ActionCell Arrange in Front Helvetica Miniaturize Window Close Window ff@@#::s MenuTemplate *@*@ccc Convert_PICT Info Panel... Preferences... Help... submenuAction: NXImage NXmenuArrow Convert PICT file... Paste Spelling... Check Spelling Select All Windows Services Pack image bitmaps NXradio NXradioH Don't pack bitmaps Radio Bitmap settings Helvetica-Bold "Convert chars in all type families #Convert only in `standard' families Character conversion Preserve all PicComments Discard all PicComments PicComment conversion PostScript code generation Use commented PS code Use uncommented PS code WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Panel TextField TextFieldCell Convert PICT Convert PICT version 1.2, Copyright (C) 1993 David John Burrowes Convert PICT comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY See COPYING in the online help for more information Comments to: davidjohn@kira.net.netcom.com Bugs to: bugs@kira.net.netcom.com 'a file converter by David John Burrowes Button [16@] CustomView ProgressIndicator PICTdoc 1Convert Mac PICT files to .eps files for the NeXT EPSdoc PictController Convert warning Warning3 Title Cancel NXreturnSign Continue qPress Cancel to abort converting the file, or press Continue to proceed (ignoring this warning at your own risk). Conversion Progress WindowG Convert PICT preferences Field Source path ControllerInstance Button1 MainMenu Titlebox Field7 Field2 Matrix1 App icon Conversion Progress Window Field6 Field5 Preferences VersionNumber Field1 Source file name File's Owner Field3 MenuItem Character conversion1 destination type Countdown dest path Field4 App title [65@] IBControlConnector IBConnector terminate: hide: PrepareForConversion: performMiniaturize: performClose: arrangeInFront: makeKeyAndOrderFront: IBOutletConnector ProgressMeter ProgressWindow SourceFileName SourcePath SourcePathTitle SourceTitle DestTitle DestPathTitle DestFileName DestPath StatusTitle Status delegate UserDecided: decisionWindow prefPanel CompressButton PSCodeSetButton ChangePacking: ChangePSCodeSet: displayPreferences: ChangeCharConversion: quitCommand hideCommand infoCommands servicesCommands windowsCommands copy: paste: selectAll: showGuessPanel: checkSpelling: cutCommand pasteCommand editCommands decisionText spellingCommand checkSpellingCommand ConvertCommand ConvertAllCharsButton showHelpPanel: IBHelpConnector Preferences.rtfd Bitmap conversion.rtfd PS code set.rtfd Character set conversion.rtfd Converting using menus.rtfd Converting files.rtfd ChangeCommentProcessing: PicCommentItem GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.rtfd